I'm still working out how to find a value to these guitars because they had a VERY limited production run (only 50 guitars), slightly less than a quarter of them went to friends/family/Paul himself, and the rest were split roughly 50/50 for Charity/Auction and Sale at local Vancouver music shops circa 1982-1983. Which would make sense since Paul commissioned them all at the same time. So it's safe to say that ALL Odyssey guitars are likely 1982 model year guitars. I know that Paul had 50 commissioned, but what makes it tricky is the Odyssey site seems to show mostly guitars from the 1978-1981 period so I dunno about Odyssey production from 1982 onward - maybe the Paul Deans were the only guitars made that year (they were also making Aoyette drums, or at least sharing a factory with them). Seems Odyssey dating works like this.Ĩ2012 = 1982 guitar #012 - weather this means it's the 12th Paul Dean made that year, or the 12th Odyssey guitar made that year has yet to be figured out. **UPDATE - ODYSSEY Paul Dean Serials & Dating - I met another owner of an Odyssey guitar via e-mail, he e-mailed me the serial# of his guitar, apparently the Odyssey guitars DID indeed have serial# on them.

This is a technical guide to these guitars, both to assist in setup, and also to explain the hows and whys of how the Paul Dean guitars work.